It had been decided prior to our second visit in February 2011, to give more assistance to the hospital. This project was to turn a derelict building in the hospital grounds, into a waiting hostel for women with complicated pregnancies. Some of the women walk very long distances to get there.
The work involved included a complete new internal layout with the demolition of internal walls, refurbishment and decoration.
After all of the hard work, the result was as follows. We had created a twenty bed dormitory, complete with beds, mattresses and linen - with a mosquito net over each bed. Adjacent to this room, we provided tiled toilets and showers. 

Besides providing the dormitory, we also converted two further rooms into a dining room
and a kitchen, where the women could prepare
and cook their own food.
Finally, the outside of the building was painted; a ramp was made to make access easier to the entrance; and a local sign writer was commissioned to paint the sign for the new hostel. 

The new building was officially opened by the local District Commissioner. Present, were doctors and staff of the hospital, who were all delighted with the end result.
Other work carried out at the hospital this time, was the installation of solar lighting in the operating theatres and labour wards, which would be of great benefit during power cuts.
More news on this second visit, another time. Until then,
Best wishes,
Diane and Derek
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