During our visit in 2011, the group gave more assistance to schools. We had decided that a top priority would be to install a water supply to a school complex which comprised of a Secondary School, Primary School and Vocational School where there had never been running water before. The distance from the main water pipe in Nansio, to the school complex, was 1.5 kilometers.
We purchased from Mwanza, on the mainland, the two inch pipe which was in 150 meter lengths, and had this shipped over on the ferry.
Fortunately, we had many helpers to dig the trench which had to be eighteen inches deep and one foot wide! These helpers were mainly pupils from the Secondary School who gave up their week end to 'have fun' and assist.

Uncoiling the hose to go into the trench, was quite a difficult task, however, there was a lot of fun and laughter and some acrobatics!
Even though we could only give our helpers a banana and a bottle of water for their days labour, they all worked extremely hard and were keen to assist in getting water to the school complex.
Also at the Secondary School, we refurbished the library. The students at the Vocational School assisted with the construction of book cases to house the substantial amount of books which had been donated in the U.K. and sent out in the container.
Thanks to the generosity of our local High School, we were also able to supply much needed science equipment to one of the three laboratories - which we painted out - again with the assistance of the pupils.
A good supply of sports equipment was donated by our local schools, this included footballs; football strips; cricket and hockey equipment. These were all gratefully received and were soon put to use.
After one of our appeals for tools, a very kind lady in Scarborough donated a wood working lathe which had belonged to her late uncle. This was given to the Vocational School, along with lots of other wood working; metal working and gardening tools. At this school, older pupils are taught practical skills with a view to them finding employment. 

Here is the Vocational Teacher demonstrating his wood turning skills, on the very same machine!
Another satisfying conclusion!
Best wishes,
Diane and Derek