Hello again,
Great news. On Saturday 7th April, a willing band of helpers volunteered to pack the forty foot container and it is now on its way to Ukerewe!
The container is packed full to the brim with humanitarian goods which were donated or bought by many generous people who are interested in making the lives of some of the community in Ukerewe more comfortable.
Amongst the items in the container are lots of hospital equipment; educational apparatus; books; clothes; toys for under privileged children; sunglasses, long sleeve shirts, hats and suncreams for people with Albinism; a briquette making machine and urinals for a toilet project. In fact, a container simply full of SMILES from people in the U.K. to the people in Ukerewe, who will be the recipients.
The container has arrived at the loading point .........
The goods are waiting to be loaded ..............
There were more than thirty volunteers who gave their time and effort to manually load the container ...............
After four hours of hard work and team effort, the container is finally full................
Not only is the container full of all these items which will change lives, but also full of love and care for a community which has so little.
Thank you to all those people who have donated goods for the container from all over the U.K. All we wish for now is a safe journey to Ukerewe where the goods will be stored until the arrival of the team in July.
Until next time,
Best Wishes,
Diane and Derek